Loma Prieta Again, But Much Bigger, 12/18/17

For a few of weeks now God has been talking to me and showing me visions of a Colossal Quake coming to the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California very soon. It started by him saying to me one night, "Welcome to the new California." Along with that word he showed me an image of the California state flag being ripped in half. Then a few days later he said, "Loma Preita." This is what the quake in the Bay Area in 1989 was called. When he said it I knew he was saying another quake was coming to the Bay Area. So as asked him how big it would be. He said, "Much bigger than you think." I was very sobered by this thought since I had already been expecting that when a big quake finally came to that area that it would be extremely huge. But at this point of him talking to me about this it was only in words and he had given me no images yet. But then two nights ago, on the 16th, I was given a vision of the quake.

I saw great portions of San Francisco swallowed into the earth below. I heard an incredible deep ripping sound. I saw a massive fissure open up in the earth, from the south bay to the north. It was MILES WIDE!! At least five and maybe ten. I was stunned by these scenes. And I felt how angry God was against the sin of this area. My heart was filled with terror at his great Holy Anger. He is so terrifying in his incredibly great authority and power. It took my breath away it was so great. My heart broke and I wept tears of repentance at our sin that we have done this to him and to his earth and have forced him to have to judge us this way. San Francisco is one of the 'great' gay capitals of the world and the spirit of sodomy is so great there. It is no wonder he has to judge it this way. It is good to see that evil scourge removed from the earth but it is also painful to think about all the loss of life and property. So many people will go into hell. That is heartbreaking and so sad. God never wants to have to do it this way. He always wants us repent so he can bless us. But sin and rebellion have prevailed over repentance in this area so now he has to wipe it out with his righteous judgment. I am so sad for all the destruction that will happen but we must remember that God is just and even when he does this he is being merciful.

Steve Pursell, 12/18/17