Thank You Mom

Thank you Mom, thanks for everything

Thanks for tender wake up calls

Thanks for perfect lunches

Thanks for cream cheese and olives

For enchilada casserole

Thanks for Aslan and the Rings

Thank you for house help

For visits to the desert

For begging to clean my room

Thanks for phone calls

For driving me to Traeger-Rosen

For lunch at Draeger's

For helping me

For holding life out to me

Thanks for your prayers

For hiring doctors and buying vitamins

For hoping and praying

For fighting in court

For blessing me, believing in me

Thanks for collect calls from prison

For working on the poems

For prison visits, stamps and packages

For tirelessly serving me so lovingly

Thank you for always loving me

Despite my moments of ingratitude

I mean it now, I hope so

You deserve it

I remember your jumpsuits

I remember your sweet worship songs

How could I ever but appreciate you?

Forgive me for taking you for granted

Thank you

Stephen Pursell, 6/04