Prophets All

Remainders of beings once living

"You know, Lord" the prophet spake

Then it came

The breath of the Father

The Word of the Eternal One

Rang out in the silence

The vessel opened his mouth

And Life sprang forth

Rattling, trembling

The bones stood up

Then flesh, then skin


The same power that made them

Breath, Life, Spirit

A mighty army

We are that army

It's in us, this breath

"The word is near you

Even in your mouth"

Life is in us

Words to create

The Word of Life

Life and Light

Help me create

Me, a son of God

Help me create for others

Let me create for you

We're all to be Ezekiels

We're all to be the Father's voice

Come let's sing creation's song

That the dry bones come to life

And all around us

Creation be freed from the curse

Stephen Pursell, 10/13/02

He stood among them

Wind in his beard

About him they lay

As far as the eye could see

Men they once were

Fallen now in the dust

Lifeless white frameworks