An Evening With Abba

Eat with silver spoons

Dance in my courtyard

Around firelight and under stars

Drink from golden goblets

Drink freedom, drink!

This is the life for which I made you

Stephen Pursell, 2/8/02

Sit at my feet and hear my stories

Fare sumptuously

Sit on crushed purple velvet

Come away with me to the clouds

I alone know you fully

I invented you

Come to me and drink

Would you know Glory?

Full of wonder, full of grace

Would you know Wisdom?

All around you, within you: am I

Right here, right now

From this moment I have birthed you

Would be in me lastly found

Dedication unswerving

These are the worshipers I seek

Burst forth in song!

This is the day of your finding

Only that the devout

For, true, I have hidden myself

How I long to be known

How I would that you come to truly seek me

Drink of my oil of joy

Taste and see that I am good

That you would know me

I knew you in your mother's womb

I have brought you life

Gather around, little ones

Huddle close in the folds of my garments

Attend your ear to me while I sing