King Of Glory

In staggering splendor

How can I but desire you?

To be one with you no matter the cost

I am rapt in your indescribable beauty

How can I but love you?

You are all I want

You alone are captain of my heart

Take my life

Use it as you please

There is no cost too great

To know you better

I thank you of every wound

Suffered in your service

That was helped buy this closeness with you

Truly you have ravished my heart

You are my Treasure Buried in a Field

You are my Pearl of Great Price

No price is too great

To know these moments with you

I ask you for more

No matter the pain

You are worth it

Thank you for the lonely moments

The fists in my face

The boots in my ears

The handcuffs and bars

Every wound for your glory

May I bring you more glory that way

That you would show me more of it

Thank you, King of Glory

The One with eyes like fire

How you shine

Your radiance so immeasurable

That is what I want!

Make me like you!

Full of your Glory, shining like you

Full of your Light

Loving a lost world like you

Vesseling your Glory into creation

King of Glory

You have visited me

And I am awed

In wonder beyond description

How great is my God

So full of holy fire and light

Light that pales the sun

Love beyond the most daring hopes

Let me know you

Let me be your best friend

I worship you

Mighty King of Glory

Stephen Pursell (8/13/14), the indescribably

glorious visitation from the Lord that inspired

this poem was similar in ways to another

prophetic experience:

King On His Throne/Army Of Light, 6/7/14

Your whole being alight

Almost featureless in its brilliance

The Glory of your face

I am so unworthy

And you revealing yourself as never before

I on the verge of death in my fallenness

Your beauty enveloping me

And you in your mercy

Me in my anger, in my disappointment in you

Oh, how do I say what you have shown me?