New Day Birth

Because the passage through the narrow gate

Just seemed too hard

And none of your 'friends'

Would like it

If you tried to pull them

Through the birth canal behind you?

Stephen Pursell, 10/28/98

Eternally aware that you chose it so

Who could not survive so difficult a birth

Dead with the mother

Or will you be caught

On the wrong side of the placenta

Powerful, living and vibrant?

Will you be a cell in the new born child

On the first New Day?

And where will you be

Thus the New City will not be born quietly

Of distortion and of pain?

And then the final hours of blood

Without first the months of gestation

Does the baby come

But I see terror first

I see hope, child

Will shatter like a thatched hut under a tsunami

And the glass jaw of of selfish pride

By the golden fist of gratitude

Will be clapped shut

Of the ever bottomless stomach

Held open by the weight

The gaping maw

Will no longer be thought to be shameful

The things of life

From the hand, the hips, the womb, the eyes

Will flow from the lips, the pen, the instrument

Rivers of beauty, power, love and passion

The earth will be filled

With the creative handwork of possessed souls

Every note will inspire

Every movement will liberate

Every word will uplift

Depravity will be disdained and rejected

And wickedness will no longer be loved

Beauty will be acknowledged as proof of God's hand

The petty traditions of unsanctified parenthood

Creativity will no longer endure

And his jailer's infamy

Will not be honored with spoken memory

Will be set forth for all to follow

The defender of the good

Then the true healer will be sought out and honored

Babylon will drink no more blood from the creation

This system will be obliterated

For a quick and easy buck

Who sold the souls of their sons

Slain by the foolishness of their fathers

I see the carcasses of the young

Banking magnates, industry captains, corrupt politicians

I smell the burnt flesh of the oppressors

First, I see Walmart and McDonald's in cinders

Lies on the other side of war

But the beauty of that revelation

My spirit is bathed in the message of Christ

Exposed for the shameful child molester that it is

I see uniformitarian religious oppression

The tribute of individuality, creativity and freedom

I hear humanity sing

With demand for his artful work

I see a day when integrity is rewarded

I see the craftsman

The purging has made it possible

I can see the New Day

And as my head clears water

Into and out of these forsaken places

The Living God has delivered me

That I see the New City

And I stand before you to testify

In the torment of the lake of fire

I have screamed and clawed my face

In the depths of the abyss

I have wrestled the balrog

And drunk it to its dregs

Into bottomless pool of the hidden

I have scorched my hands

On the molten cup of rage

I was cast in chains to drown

I have fought in the fortress of the saracens