
Making a Bride for himself

Out of so many hurting children

Like the sweet girl in the truck

Like you

Like me

Stephen Pursell, 9/21/15

The Lion of Judah in their hearts

Roaring in defense of his creation

Jealous over that which is his own

Burning Ones to terrify the dark host

With a plan to let them be hurt

Only to be restored and made holy

So that they could be shaped

Into the image of His Son

Who sent them into this dark world

That Beautiful One

Now returned to the God they once knew

As a hope-filled wide-eyed child

Temporarily lost

An army of beautiful children

That bind and hinder his creation

To reveal his Son in me

And launch me as a perfect weapon

Against a fortress of lies

To heal all the pain

And make something glorious with it

Hidden in a life of mistakes and sin

To wrap up all the lessons of wisdom

Hope to create a better future

But my Abba has an even better plan

To make all the pain mean something

Dreams unending with no barriers

Oh, the beauty of youth

Of a heart unspoiled by the tragedies of life

In this fallen world

Fighting invisible 'Indians' with my brother

Of the little town near the Buttes

Home Sweet Home

Climbing trees and catching lizards

My childhood on the hillsides

I see my youthful dreams

An old red Chevy

Like the one my dad had

When I was a kid

Picking at a dandelion

She plucked from the field

She was just dancing in

As she bumps along

Down the lonesome old dirt road

Dreaming her dream

He loves me, he loves me not

Dreaming of being loved

Hoping that it will take away the pain

Of not being loved

Riding in the back of a truck

In a plain dress

One not so glamorous because she is poor

I see grass flowing in the wind

Bare feet dancing among it

Dandelion tufts borne aloft

On a comforting summer breeze

I see our pretty young dancing girl