Prayer for President Trump, 7/5/17

Abba, Father, I thank you for our American president, Donald Trump. In obedience to your Word, I thank you for giving us this man to be the leader of our government. I thank you for your desire that he come to know you well and become a true son of yours who is willing to stand up mightily for your name in our nation. I thank you that you desire to bless and mark and anoint him to become a truly born again child of God as our President. I pray that like Elisha in 2 Kings 6:16-17, you surround him and his family with your warring angels and horses and chariots of fire, and best human help to protect their lives and health. Father, I pray you protect President Trump from all deception, manipulation, betrayal, witchcraft and attempts at impeachment or assassination. Lord, I understand that Baptism of Fire, which first appears in scripture in Isaiah 6:6-7, is a separate baptism from the Baptism of the Holy Spirit but came in tandem with it in Acts 2. So, now I pray that you baptize the president in both the Holy Spirit and in Fire. I pray that you teach him to be a man of prayer and How To Pray For America. Lead and teach him to start every day on his knees with Melania in their bedroom in prayer and again on his knees in the Oval Office, with Vice President Pence, whenever he is available. I pray that you lead and teach him to open every public address he makes with prayer to you. I pray that you lead and teach him to re-direct all the honor and adulation he receives to you. I pray that you supernaturally grace him with discernment that is beyond his present level of spiritual maturity as a baby christian. I pray you anoint him and lead him and guide him to lead our nation according to your perfect will for us. Teach him to not just pray to you what he wants to say to you but also to listen to your voice and to make his decisions according to your guidance. Lord, please lead, guide, call and anoint him to become a man of public repentance. I pray that you heal him of any and all wounds in his soul and fill him with compassion so that he can more fully minister healing to our nation. Give him good relationships with your most spiritually mature and anointed true apostles and prophets in our nation. I pray that you further bless his marriage. I pray that you further bless his relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu and with Israel. Bind them together in the cords of true friendship like David and Jonathan. Help Trump to protect Netanyahu from the betrayal of Israel and dividing of Jerusalem that the enemy is trying to perpetrate against Bibi as you have revealed to your prophet, Sundar Selvaraj. Help these two great leaders to love and support each other in prayer and in brotherhood as believers in the One True God. Reveal to President Trump all of your plan for our nation and help him to implement it. Give him the revelation that you are a God who is always in forward motion and that our 240 year old constitution is no longer viable and that you want to give us a new and much better one if we will seek you to hear from heaven on how you want us to govern ourselves. Please anoint him and support him to lead the charge for our nation to repent for the murder of our babies and reverse Roe v. Wade immediately. And finally, Abba, according to what you have shown to me that you will do but has not yet happened, in the vision and prophecy you entrusted to me which I have called The Presidency, I pray that you anoint and lead him and encourage and inspire him to cut the head off of the snake of governmental corruption in our nation and see to it that the Bushes, the Clintons, and the Obamas answer for their many great crimes against our nation and bring them to Your Justice for these crimes. Heavenly Father, you have promised that You Will Heal America and Return Us to Our Purpose. Please help President Trump fulfill all of his role in that for which you chose him for this office. For all this I thank and praise you, Merciful God. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Steve Pursell, 7/5/17