Fly Away Home

I understand, I really do

I too know the struggle to receive love

The pain of the inability of it

I know...I know

But it still hurts

I loved you

I longed to give

I loved rubbing your feet

I longed to work with you more than you let me

I wanted to cook for you, feed you well

I longed to whisk you away

Little rescues from your overstuffed days

To put my gifted hands to work

Massaging your weary flesh

Stripping you stress

Yet still I cry out

From that simple place

A place we both know

One searching for fulfillment

Knowing answers to what fills the heart's holes

Yet never quite laying hold of them

From that place my heart cries to you

How could you not let me love you?

The simple things

Passion without nakedness

Love without words

Sweeping the floor, carrying the puppies

Little things, little things

Nevertheless I thank you for these few

These stolen moments of life, little things

Gifts to me I treasured, I thank you

With the greatest fondness

Tenderness, in hope of your joy

Fly away, friend

Find your home

And the one

Whose little things you will love


And receive

Stephen Pursell, 7/25/05