He Died For Me

He died for me...

He died for ME!

The most excellent One

God in person

The purest heart

The lover of all

He died for me, he died for you

He walked among the outcasts

He stood against the oppressive

He reached out to the lost

He tended the hurt and hungry

He died for them, he died for me

He died for you, he died for YOU!

He led the perfect life

And allowed it cut down

He stood with all power

Before a mere politician

And allowed his body broken

He died for me, he died for ME!

He died for all, he is all in all

All who truly love are in him

All who truly live are in him

He comes for you, he comes for me

I am worth it to him

You are too

He died for me, he died for you

Torn for me, despised for me

Rejected for me, accused for me

In love for me

He comes for me

He comes for you

He died for you, he died for me

Stephen Pursell, 6/04