Life Again

Here I am

All flesh and bone

Blood and marrow

I feel experienced beyond my years

In a good way, now

Though I have agonized over it in yesteryear

Tormented that I knew what I knew

But I am alive again

I have been rescued

Plucked from the brink of eternal destruction

Snatched from the grip of my self-wrought prison

And placed atop a mountain of meaning

Master of nothing

Servant of all

Slipping into the peace of invisibility

Hidden in Christ from the eyes of the world

Freed of the desire to satisfy worldly standards

Released to soar in heights of Truth

And explore His character

For Truth is a person

I have sought to become His friend

One in whom he may trust

Unworthy to be sure

But chosen regardless

And recipient of the eternal gift

Where Life is allocated by measure

Limited only by my desire to receive

So I say yes, finally

I open to unimaginable adventure

Stephen Pursell, 11/26/01