My Hometown

Bone of his bone

How he longs that you would receive him

Your God and King

Savior slain for you

How he has wept for you

Broken before heaven for you

Fervent in his cry that you would be whole

Alive with purity

Awakened from your slumber

Roused from under your blanket of lies

Kissed by the morning sun

Truth coursing in your veins

Sing, dance!

Throw off your yoke!

You are beautiful!

I see your sparkling streets

Your children pay in safety again

In sunlight, free of electronic slavemasters

Paint, compose!

Play, invent!

You have been tricked into inadequacy

But you are the most amazing of all

He has travailed that you would know

He has wrestled that you would be free

And He has prevailed

He bestows upon you power

Power to heal, power to bless

Power to invent

Power to create

Power to exemplify

Power to lead

Take his word of life!

Be free and be blessed!

You are highly favored


Destined to know his glory!

Stephen Pursell,

original: 6/18/02, revised: 4/5/14