Small Testimony, 8/11/14

Let me tell you some of what the Lord has done for me. He has been so good to me. He has saved me from death so many times. Here is just a few I know about. When I was two. my dog tried to knock me down and I would have fallen off a little cliff into a ravine of sharp rocks but God sent an angel to stand me back up supernaturally and save me, my mother witnessed it with her own eyes. When I was 6 I ran in front of a car and should have been hit. Then when I was 13 I slid down a mountain face at a great speed and stopped suddenly with my legs hanging over another cliff about thirty feet high again with sharp rocks below. I instantly knew God had spared me. I have survived a great number of potentially very injurious motorcycle wrecks in my years of riding motocross bikes. I have been near death countless times when I was in prisons when the stress would make my heart weak and I would have heart attack like symptoms. I have survived several serious full on heart attacks. And these are just some of the things I can remember, which does not include what I don't remember and the ones that God did it and I didn't notice! God is so very very good to me. He loves us all and I tell you that if you do not know him then you are missing out on the best friendship you could ever imagine. He is indescribably beautiful and his love is the thing you have been looking for all your life. So give your life to Jesus unreservedly today. Bless you.

-Steve Pursell, 8/11/14