Forget Me Not

God's breath

Angels wings rush

Heavenly music

Oh, my King and Master

Give me Isaiah moments


Elijah and Elisha

Ezekiel moments

John and Paul

Hosea too

Jeremiah, all your prophets

Undone in your presence

Beholding your glory

Fire my lips too, Lord

Put your word in me

Give me a book to eat

Let it sour in my belly

Make me lie on my side

And marry a harlot

Let me be thrown in the cistern

Somehow make me like them

The heroes of the faith

The prophets old and new

Show me wheels in wheels

Horses and fiery chariots all around

Oh my God, give me reality

Hide me in the rock as you pass by

Give me spirit transports

Catch me to the third heaven

Inexpressible in words

Set me among the dry bones

Let me be your voice

May your word burn in my bones

Me too, Mighty God, me too

Stephen Pursell, 7/04