Bride And Groom

Find the gold

Collect the diamonds

Bless the earth

Bless the future

Kiss the son

The Son of David

He comes now

To tabernacle among you

-Stephen Pursell, 2002,

a prophetic blessing for Oroville

Arms upraised, eyes that gleam

Simplicity, healing, dominion

Oneness, radiance, peace

Christ in us, all in all

His glory, our fulfillment

Your restoration, your peace

Our destiny, his promise

The children's future

The elders' satisfaction

Our land, our destiny

His Life, his body

Your gifts, your creativity

Let the flood come

Let the dam break

Abba eagerly waits you

Come to Papa

Dance, City of Gold

Play, Bride of God

Cast off your fetters

Laugh, skipping into the light

Let your living waters flow

You are being set free