Awesome and Terrible God, 6/30/16

God is love, he never does anything that is not motivated by love at its root but he is also awesome and terrible and not to be trifled with:

2 Corinthians 5:11

Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are well known to God, and I also trust are well known in your consciences.

And lest anyone try to make the groundless argument that God's fearsomeness is an Old Covenant reality and not for today, let them note that the above is a New Testament scripture.

Many believers in America today are praying for God to come but will not like it when he does. As the fine young prophetess Mean Lee Grebin so brilliantly put it: "When Jesus came the the first time, they were looking for him to come as the Lion and he came as the Lamb. This time they are looking for him to come and the Lamb and he is coming as the Lion." That is perfectly said. I do not pretend to know all about what is going to happen when the Lord shows up here pretty soon but what I do know is what he showed me and it was a fearsome and terrifying beautiful sight. Here is the Dark Cloud Dream he gave me.

God is God. He is not a loose canon off his rocker but he is beyond understanding and he does what he wants, when he wants to. As the great prophetic author C.S. Lewis put it, "Aslan is not a tame lion." It is not for us to try to pigeonhole him with our shallow high minded theology of what want to believe he is like. There is a world famous church near where I live where that has a catch phrase: "God is in a good mood." Well, yea, he isn't moody or sullen like a fallen person can be but if we think he never gets angry we are very confused, dangerously so. My bible says:

Psalm 7:11

God is a just judge, And God is angry every day.

I bet yours does too. If not you need to chuck that bible and get one that does.

God is coming in the dark cloud with thunder and lightning an hailstones under his feet as Psalm 18 says and we would do well to fear him as he deserves. Many will turn away from him(like they did at Mt. Sinai) and not go deeper into him when this next move of God comes. They will do this because he did not show up in the neat and tidy, preconceived package they wanted him to come in. I do not want to be among them and I hope you won't be either.

Let's let God be God and hold him in the terror that is appropriate for one as awesome as he is.

Be blessed.

Steve Pursell, 6/30/16