The Little Things

Surely there must be a way

For me to more fully open to you

I need your love, I want you in my heart

I'm longing to be filled up inside

I know you long to give me big things

But first I need to appreciate the small

And steward them as you want me to

Help me Lord, please help me

To know how much I am truly loved

-Stephen Pursell, 2003

You here, I see you all around

Lord, I feel lost, hurt and abandoned

Though I know you are there

To grasp the horns of the altar

To hold fast and not let go

Help me reach out and lay hold of you

I know you are there, Lord

I praise you Lord, for all the little things

The birds I saw this morning

The good locker you gave me

Which really is a big thing

At least here behind prison walls

In this place of imprisoned souls

And bodies

Chained without and within

Thank for your kindness

So many people coming to my aid