Envelop Me

Every green leaf

Every supple sapling

All the rocks, every day

Every stream in the mountains

Cry glory to the King

The One who spoke them into being

Who called out the Pleiades

And loosed the bands of Orion

You Lord, Yahweh Saves

Bridegroom, Redeemer

Prince of Peace

I cry out for words

The only, the Holy, the Righteous

The Word made flesh

The unsearchable, the unimaginable

Who made the behemoth

Who created the Leviathan

Oh, that I would know you

To be your son and brother

To be your disciple

A voice for you in the earth

To sit at your feet

To recline at your breast

Ever deeply enfolded in your love

You, who thought the earth and formed it

You, who knew me in my mother's womb

The One who breathes and there is life

The One who sees and there is forgiveness

Whose right hand we shudder to see

Let me know you

Help me find you

Please be with me

Creator of all things

The Spirit who moves in all things

King and Master

May I be a son to the Father

A brother to my King

-Stephen Pursell, 10/03