The People Who Know Their God

Daniel wrote it

"The people who know their God will resist him mightily"

Mightily against the iron fist of The Beast

Joel wrote of it too

It is holy writ

An army of spiritual warriors, yes

But that's not all

Consider our recent past

The last great anti-Christ king, Hitler

Were we not right to fight him?

Did not God use this nation?

One founded on spiritual tenet

Along with the British Commonwealth

To vanquish the serpent's attempt

In that war there were warriors of both types

While Rees Howells and his intercessors prayed

American and British boys fought

Men of the two greatest missionary nations of the time

Spiritual warriors, physical warriors

Both anointed of God

Eye and hand, needing one another

One providing spiritual cover in the heavens

One providing front line physical force

Both necessary

One body, many parts

One army, many duties

"The people who know their God will resist him mightily"

It is the holy writ

It has happened before in prelude

I say it opens before you, church

One last chapter

If you disagree, consider this

If the kings of the Earth will gather at Megiddo

Prepared to fight

But the King is yet unseen

Whose army will they see and come to fight?

Mightily we will resist them

Stephen Pursell, 7/04