Crisis Preparation, 3/14

This message is most specifically for Americans but it may have some applicability for those in other parts of he world.

First, let me say that there is very much hope in the time we are in because God has plan not to just put America back on track but to give us a better, New American Government and make us stronger and healthier than ever. But that will not happen right away but will take several years and in the meantime it is also true are living in times that are increasingly unstable in America and through out the world so we need to be wise about how to provide for ourselves and be in a position to help others in crisis times. We see this principle carried out in the bible in the accounts of Noah and Joseph especially. In the future there will be times of systems blackouts where there will be shortages of water, food, power, fuel, internet, etc. We need to prepare against these times, not in fear but in an attitude of facing these realities with hope and peace and very much with a heart to provide for others who have not known to prepare as we have. Doing so will give us the opportunity to meet a desperately felt need and share the gospel with people who are scared and hungry and searching for hope and answers.

This list is an attempt to point out the basic provisions we will need in these periods when normal functions that we generally rely on are not operating well. In short we need to have at least a month’s worth of water, food and basic provisions set aside for these crisis times. Personally, due to my faith in the prophecies by some True Prophets Of God I expect that we will have one of these periods by the end of 2015.

-plenty of drinking water especially and bathing/dish water, water filters

-non- perishable, easily stored and prepared food:

i.e.: rice, beans, kinoa, powdered eggs/milk/potatoes etc., canned foods,

nuts, nut butters, dried fruit, oil, protein powder, crackers, etc

-camp stove and gas, perhaps wood depending on location

-generator and power cords

-plenty of fuel(use fuel stabilizer) for generator and vehicles

-basic auto needs like motor oil, transmission fluid, antifreeze, brake fluid, etc.

-perhaps bicycles

-candles and wooden matches and perhaps oil lamps

-gold and silver(some all silver rounds and some 'junk'), maybe a little cash, but not much

-an old solid state(not cordless) phone-first aid supplies

-pet food/ supplies

-plenty of batteries

-perhaps self/home defense needs(there may be rioting and looting in these times depending on location)

-pens, paper, envelopes, stamps, etc.

-plenty of good reading material( especially bibles)

-perhaps grow an organic garden

-perhaps get a hunting rifle or bow

-perhaps a window unit air conditioner

-get out of debt, if you can but down be afraid to use your credit card to buy silver rounds

-get out of the banks except for minimal checking for paying bills and keep

your balance as low as possible

-obtain printed records of all your payments on any debts because there will

be times when the internet goes down and all electronic records evaporate

Most of all we need a solid spiritual center to navigate the times ahead. Faith in God is an absolute necessity to have peace through all that is coming. Whatever you may believe at this point in time please know that there is a loving, personal God in heaven who cares for your needs and wants to protect you and provide for you no matter the outer circumstances if you will develop a personal relationship with him through prayer, study of the bible and good spiritual materials, and relationships with others who know him. A life of intimate relationship with God who is a person and is very personal, and obedience to him, provides us with his Supernatural Protection, which is so needed in these times, that we would not have if we do not closely with him.

The good news is that, for those who seek God with all their hearts, and Cry Out to God for America, the times ahead will be the most amazing times in the history of the earth to live through. Here’s hoping we all will make that choice and come through all that lies ahead with peace, hope and joy.

If you have never received the glorious gift of eternal life from our loving Creator and Heavenly Father, please pray this Prayer To Receive Eternal Salvation and receive new life today. If you are already a believer in God but have not lived in complete dedication and obedience to God then please pray this Prayer Of Consecration today and give him all of your life.

God bless you and may you be found in him the challenges of the days ahead.

-Steve Pursell, 3/14