Mud Kings

How foolish and whiny is our flesh

How pitiful our self-ascribed grandeur

When we could truly rule in the heavens

If only we would choose to submit

To the One who is King

The real King

The King of Glory

Not just the king of the mud

Stephen Pursell,

original: 12/25/01, revised: 10/14/14

Disdaining those who do not conform

Overseeing our kingdoms of mud

Declaring the laws of our domains

We stand defiantly on our soapboxes

How childish, shallow, and pitiful

So loathesome in our lust to rule

If we could but see ourselves that moment

So ugly in our self-described perfection

So pathetic in our vanity

So wretched in our pride

We hold to the worship of self

It defines the essence of our existence

But "alone" turns out to be the key word

That we alone can be trusted to know

Because we're so sure we see the answer

It has to be on our terms

But we have to have it our own way

So many doors opening to life

We are the problem

We refuse to let God save us

We insist on helping him

While every day, all around us: