
Renunciation for Hinduism

by Paul L. Cox, Aslan's Place

Heavenly Father, I ask you to forgive me and all members of my ancestral line for all beliefs in Hinduism and its philosophies and all practices of Hinduism including idolatry, knowledge obtained from illegal sources, practices of sorcery, witchcraft and sacrifices.

I ask you to forgive me and all my members of my ancestral line for the practices of temple worship, rituals, festivals, pilgrimages and temple prostitution.

Forgive me for the sin of stubbornness which is as idolatry and the sin of rebellion which is as witchcraft.

I repent for and renounce the ultimate goal of Hinduism – that of moksha or deliverance from the endless cycle of rebirth, that the soul can be released from the wheel of life by the observation of dharma – doing one’s duty according to one’s position in life.

I repent for and renounce the Hindu belief that the aim of existence is to fulfill one’s assigned duty and moral obligation to society to attain jnana or higher religious knowledge and bhakthi or union with God through devotion.

Forgive me for practice of the four main denominations of Hinduism –Saivism and the worship of the false deity Siva, Shaktism and the worship of the false deity Shakti, Vaishnavism and the worship of the false deity Vishnu and Smartism or the worship of one of the six deities Ganapati, Surya, Vishnu, Siva, Shakti and Kumara.

I repent for and renounce the practices of Bhakti or devotion to God and the Gods of Hinduism so that the atman or individual soul or spirit can merge with Brahman or universal consciousness and allow the realization of moksha.

Forgive me for the illegal knowledge of and false understanding of esoteric interworkings of the three worlds of existence.

I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that the First World is the physical universe; the Second World is the subtle astral or mental plane of existence in which the devas, angels and spirits live; and the Third World is the spiritual universe of the Mahadevas, "great shining beings," - the Hindu Gods. Forgive me for the practice of Hinduism as the working together of these three worlds.

Forgive me for the false expression of worship in Hinduism as devotion to these false Gods.

I repent for and renounce the ungodly worship of the three hundred and thirty-three million Gods in the Hindu pantheon. I repent for and renounce the Hindu beliefs in one false Supreme Being and that the plurality of Gods is divine creation of that one Being.

I repent for and renounce all false beliefs and worship of these Gods or Mahadevas as individual soul beings, super-conscious inner plane beings

Forgive me for the nine false beliefs of Hinduism.

(1) I repent for and renounce all false beliefs in a false all-pervasive Supreme Being who is both immanent and transcendent, both Creator and Unmanifest Reality.

(2) I repent for and renounce all false beliefs in the divinity of the four Vedas, supposedly the world's most ancient scripture, and veneration of the Agamas as equally revealed. I repent for and renounce false beliefs that these primordial hymns are God's word and the bedrock of Sanatana Dharma, the eternal religion.

(3) I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that the universe undergoes endless cycles of creation, preservation and dissolution.

(4) I repent for and renounce all false beliefs in karma, the law of cause and effect by which each individual creates his own destiny by his thoughts, words and deeds.

(5) I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that the soul reincarnates, evolving through many births until all karmas have been resolved, and moksha - the liberation from the cycle of rebirth, is attained. I repent for and renounce all false belief that not a single soul will be deprived of this destiny.

(6) I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that divine beings exist in unseen worlds and that temple worship, rituals, sacraments and personal devotionals create a communion with these devas and Gods.

(7) I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that an enlightened master, or satguru, is essential to know the Transcendent Absolute, as are personal discipline, good conduct, purification, pilgrimage, self-inquiry, meditation and surrender in God.

(8) I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that all life is sacred, to be loved and revered, and I repent and renounce the practice of ahimsa – non-injury - in thought, word and deed.

(9) I repent for and renounce all false belief that no religion teaches the only way to salvation above all others, but that all genuine paths are facets of God's Light, deserving tolerance and understanding.

Heavenly Father, I ask you to forgive me and all members of my ancestral line for all beliefs in the philosophies of the Vedas and Agamas. I repent for all the false actions that I took in response to these false beliefs.

I repent for and renounce all false beliefs in Karma – that according as one acts, so does he become. I repent for the false belief that one becomes virtuous by virtuous action and bad by bad action.

I repent for all false beliefs in the karma principle of cause and effect, action and reaction which governs all life. I repent for all false beliefs that karma is a natural law of the mind and that man acts with free will, creating his own destiny.

I repent for the false belief that the conquest of karma lies in intelligent action and dispassionate reaction.

I repent for and renounce for all false beliefs in the principle of Reincarnation or punarjanma as the natural process of birth, death and rebirth.

I repent for and renounce for all false beliefs that at death I drop off the physical body and continue evolving in the inner worlds in my subtle body, until I again enter into birth.

I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that through the ages, reincarnation has been the great consoling element within Hinduism, eliminating the fear of death.

I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that I am not the body in which I live but the immortal soul which inhabits many bodies in its evolutionary journey through samsara.

I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that after death, I continue to exist in unseen worlds, enjoying or suffering the harvest of earthly deeds until it comes time for yet another physical birth.

I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that the actions set in motion in previous lives form the tendencies and conditions of the next.

I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that reincarnation ceases when karma is resolved, God is realized and moksha or liberation, is attained.

I repent for and renounce all false beliefs in and worship of the all-pervasive Supreme Being hailed in the Upanishads.

I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that as absolute reality, God is unmanifest, unchanging and transcendent. I repent for false beliefs in the Self God, timeless, formless and space less.

I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that as pure consciousness, God is the manifest primal substance, pure love and light flowing through all form, existing everywhere in time and space as infinite intelligence and power.

I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that as Primal Soul, God is our personal lord, source of all three worlds. I repent for all false beliefs that God is our Father-Mother God who protects, nurtures and guides me.

I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that God is the essence of our soul and the life of our life. I repent for all false beliefs in and worship of the pantheon of Divinities, Mahadevas, or “great angels” in every denomination of Hinduism, who were created by the Supreme Lord and who serve and adore him.

I repent for and renounce all false beliefs in the principle of Dharma – that it is God’s divine law prevailing on every level of existence, from the sustaining cosmic order to religious and moral laws which bind me in harmony with that order.

I repent for and renounce the false belief that related to the soul, dharma is the mode of conduct most conducive to spiritual advancement.

I repent for and renounce the false belief in dharma as the practice of piety, ethical practice, duty and obligation. I repent for the belief that when I follow dharma, I am in conformity with the Truth that instructs the universe and that I naturally abide in closeness to God.

I repent for and renounce the belief that dharma is to the individual what normal development is to a seed – that it is the orderly fulfillment of an inherent nature and destiny.

I repent for and renounce beliefs in the wheel of time which regards time as cyclical and consisting of repeating ages. I repent for and renounce all beliefs in the dharmachakra or wheel of law. I repent for and renounce all beliefs in Samsara or endless rebirth.

Heavenly Father, I repent and renounce all false beliefs in and false worship of the Supreme God as Siva, the Compassionate One. I repent and renounce all false practices of self discipline and philosophy and following of a satguru. I repent and renounce worship in the temple and practice of yoga and all striving to be one with Siva within.

I repent for and renounce all the false beliefs and false practices of potent disciplines, high philosophy, the guru's centrality and bhakti-raja-siddha yoga leading to oneness with Siva within. I repent for and renounce all chanting of the false symbol Aum.

I repent for and renounce all false belief in the false God Shiva as being seated on Nandi, his bull mount. I repent for and renounce all belief in the false God Shiva as being the perfect devotee, as holding japa beads and the trident, symbol of love-wisdom-action, and offering blessings of protection and fearlessness. I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that Mount Kailas is his sacred Himalayan abode and that it represents the pinnacle of consciousness.

I repent for and renounce all practices of the six main schools: Saiva Siddhanta, Pashupatism, Kashmir Saivism, Vira Saivism, Siddha Siddhanta and Siva Advaita.

I repent for and renounce all temple mysticism and siddha yoga. I repent for and renounce all false beliefs of man's evolution from God and back to God, of the soul's unfolding and awakening guided by enlightened sages.

I repent for and renounce all following of the hundreds of orders of swamis and sadhus who follow the path to moksha. I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that Siva is the Auspicious One who is hidden in all things, exceedingly fine, like film arising from clarified butter, the One embracer of the universe, that by realizing God, one is released from all fetters.

Heavenly Father, I repent for and renounce all false worship of the false Divine Mother, Shakti or Devi. I repent for and renounce all beliefs in and false worship of her many forms – gentle and fierce. I repent for and renounce the use of chants, real magic, unholy diagrams, yoga and rituals to call forth cosmic forces and awaken the kundalini power within the spine. I repent for and renounce all chanting of the false symbol Aum and all of its variations such as Aum Namah Shivaya.

I repent for and renounce all false belief in and false worship of the false God Shakti as wearing the tilaka of the Shakta sect on her forehead, as blessing devotees, who shower rosewater, hold an umbrella and prostrate at her feet.

I repent for and renounce all practices of the four expressions of Shaktism - devotional, folk-shamanic, yogic and universalist - all invoking the fierce power of Kali or Durga, or of Parvati or Ambika.

I repent for and renounce all practices of the use of puja rites, especially to the Shri Chakra yantra, to establish intimacy with the goddess. I repent and renounce all practices of Shamanic Shaktism which employs magic, trance mediumship, fire-walking and animal sacrifice for healing, fertility, prophecy and power.

I repent for and renounce all practices of Shakta yoga which seeks to awaken the sleeping goddess Kundalini and unite her with Siva in the sahasrara chakra.

I repent for and renounce all practices of following the reformed Vedantic tradition exemplified by Sri Ramakrishna.

I repent for and renounce all practices of "left-hand" tantric rites. I repent for and renounce all false beliefs in Shaktism as chiefly advaitic, defining the soul's destiny as complete identity with the unmanifest, Siva.

I repent for and renounce all practices of following the false scriptures of the Vedas, Shakta Agamas and Puranas. I repent for and renounce all false worship of the universal soul of all, above and below and in all four directions.

I repent for and renounce all false worship of this false goddess as the Mother of the universe.

The worship of Vishnu, meaning "pervader" dates back to Vedic times. The Pancharatra and Bhagavata sects were popular prior to 300 BC. Today's five Vaishnava schools emerged in the middle ages.

Heavenly Father, I repent for and renounce for all false worship of the false Lord Vishnu and His incarnations, especially Krishna and Rama. I repent for and renounce all false belief in this dualistic manifestation. I repent for and renounce all false beliefs in saints, false scriptures and false worship in temples I repent for and renounce all chanting of the false symbol Aum and all of its variations such as Aum Chandikayai Namah.

I repent for and renounce all false beliefs in and false worship of the false God Vishnu as being the infinite ocean from which the world emerges, standing on waves, surrounded by the many-headed Seshanaga, who represents agelessness and is falsely regarded as an extension of divine energy and an incarnation of Balarama, Lord Krishna's brother.

I repent for and renounce all practices of the five main schools founded by Ramanuja, Madhva, Nimbarka, Vallabha and Chaitanya I repent for and renounce all practices of prapatti, single-pointed surrender to Vishnu, or His ten or more incarnations, called avataras.

I repent for and renounce all practices of Japa, a key devotional sadhana. I repent for and renounce all practices of ecstatic chanting and dancing, called kirtana.

I repent for and renounce all temple worship and celebration of associated festivals.

I repent for and renounce all philosophical beliefs in Vaishnavism ranging from Madhva's pure dualism to Ramanuja's qualified non-dualism to Vallabha's nearly monistic vision.

I repent for and renounce all of the associated false beliefs that God and soul are everlastingly distinct, that the soul's destiny, through God's grace, is to eternally worship and enjoy Him.

I repent for and renounce any practices of associated monasticism. I repent for and renounce all practices of following the false scriptures of the Vedas, Vaishnava Agamas, Itihasas and Puranas. I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that those who meditate on these false gods and worship them with undivided heart will obtain attainment of what they have not, and preservation of what they have."

Heavenly Father, I repent for and renounce all false worship of the false god in one of six different forms - Ganesha, Siva, Sakti, Vishnu, Surya and Skanda. I repent for and renounce all false belief in this so-called liberal or nonsectarian form of Hinduism. I repent for and renounce all practices of this false philosophical, meditative path emphasizing man's oneness with God through understanding. I repent for and renounce all chanting of the false symbol Aum and all of its variations such as Aum Namo Narayanya.

I repent for and renounce all false belief in and false worship of the Adi Sankara including the image of him wearing sacred marks, holding his writings and flanked by the six Deities of the Smarta altar: Surya the Sun, Siva, Shakti, Vishnu, Kumaran and Ganesha. I repent for and renounce all false worship of these deities.

I repent for and renounce all false practices of classical smriti, particularly the Dharma Shastras, Puranas and Itihasas. I repent for and renounce all reverence given to the Vedas and false honor of the Agamas.

I repent for following the teachings of Adi Shankara, the monk-philosopher known as shanmata sthapanacharya, "founder of the six-sect system". I repent for and renounce all false belief in the Advaita Vedanta. I repent for and renounce all worship at the Smarta six-Deity altar Ganapati, Surya, Vishnu, Siva, Shakti and Kumara.

I repent for and renounce all worship of one of these deities as the "preferred Deity" or Ishta Devata. I repent for all false beliefs that each of these false gods is a reflection of the one Saguna Brahman.

I repent for visiting or participating in the activities of the associated monasteries. I repent for and renounce all studying of the Adi Sankara commentaries on the Upanishads, Brahma Sutras and Bhagavad Gita.

I repent for and renounce all false beliefs that Brahman is the one Reality which appears to our ignorance as a manifold universe of names and forms and changes like the gold of which many ornaments are made, but it remains in itself unchanged, that such is, and that is Brahman.

These renunciations include those which may not be Hindu in origin. They are included here in the interest of covering as much ground as possible.

I repent for and renounce all beliefs in the two caste systems – Varna and Jati

I repent for and renounce all beliefs in Varna or the division of society into groups – Brahmin class or priest, Kshatriya class or warriors, people in politics and law, Vaishya class or business people, merchants, traders, Shudra class or laborers and workers, Panchama or Dalits also called “untouchables.”

I deeply repent for and renounce all discrimination, oppression and abuse that I have practiced on my fellow men because of the Varna caste system.

I repent for and renounce all beliefs in jati caste system or the classification of Hindu society into approximately 3000 birth-units into which every person is born into and will marry within. I repent for and renounce all practices of those particular rules for each jati, regarding food, occupations, marriage and association with other Jatis

On behalf of those of my ancestors who were oppressed because of the caste system, I forgive those who discriminated against us and oppressed us because of the color of our skin and the caste that we were born into. I command all victim spirits to leave in the name of Jesus.

Forgive us for using the caste system as the basis for our occupations, our marriages and our relationships with people.

I repent for and renounce all ungodly uses of my body during false worship, including dedication to idols, daily darshan or viewing of idols, maintaining home shrines, visiting temples, worshipping in temples, participating in festivals, temple offerings, eating prasada or food offered to idols, viewing or participating in processions, pilgrimages, dramas and story-telling.

Heavenly Father, I ask you to forgive me and all members of my ancestral line for all beliefs in the philosophies of yoga and practice of yoga. [There is a separate document for yoga renunciations]

I repent for and renounce other ungodly uses of my body during false worship including ungodly exercises, yoga exercises, fornication, ritual sex, and sex with animals, sex with demons, with the dead, masturbation, and same-sex relations, viewing of sexual imagery in sculptures, books, dance or movies.

I repent for and renounce all ungodly uses of my body in this false worship including idol worship, icon worship, bowing to idols, eating food sacrificed to idols, fasting, self-mutilation, whipping, singing, dancing, wearing special clothing and chanting.

I repent for and renounce all ungodly uses of my soul during false worship including being in ecstatic states, reading and studying the false scriptures, false meditation.

I repent for and renounce all ungodly use of my spirit during false worship including astral travel, inhabiting the bodies of other people, all shamanic practices, shape-shifting and forming ungodly communications and ties with the second heaven, false deities, false priests and other people.

I repent for and renounce all false worship of animals including the cow, the bull, the monkey, the snake and the elephant.

I repent for and renounce all practices of wearing a bindi, vibhuti or tilak, or any other marks worn between the eyes in the middle of the forehead or any other religious symbol on our foreheads. I repent for and renounce the ungodly goal of wearing it to represent the third eye of spiritual sight. Father, I pray that you will shut down any illegal opening of my third eye and seal it with Your Holy Spirit.

I repent for and renounce all false worship of the elements including stone, wood, water, fire, air, ether. I repent for and renounce all ungodly worship of the sun, moon and any other heavenly bodies.

I repent for all witchcraft, animal sacrifices, people and child sacrifices, all necromancy, blood covenants, drinking of blood, eating of flesh, mingling of blood, and communication with the dead.

I repent for and renounce the worship of the ungodly Trinity – Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and Shiva the Destroyer.

I repent for and renounce the worship of all the forms or incarnations of each of this trinity, the consorts of each of this trinity and the minor deities attached to the worship of each member of this trinity.

I repent for and renounce all ungodly worship of the false deity Brahma – Creator, and all his manifestations including Prajapati.

I repent for and renounce all ungodly worship of the false deity Saraswati – consort of Brahma and all her manifestations including Lakshmi and Durga.

I repent for and renounce all ungodly worship of the false deity Vishnu – Preserver and all his manifestations including Narasimha, the Rama and Krishna avatars.

I repent for and renounce all ungodly worship of the false deity Sita, consort of Vishnu and all her manifestations including Radha.

I repent for and renounce all ungodly worship of the false deity Shiva – Destroyer and all his manifestations including Mahadeva, Devadideva, Vishweshwara, Parameshwara, Mahakala, Sarveshwara, Parashiva, Sarvavyapi, Bholenath, Rudra, Shankara, Nilakantha, Nataraja or Lord of the Dance, Ardhnarishwara, Lingam – or Pillar of Fire, Indra – the regent of the east, Agni – the fire god, and Bhairava.

I repent for and renounce all ungodly worship of the false deity Kali, consort of Shiva known as mother-goddess or Mother of time or Black Time. Father, please cut all ungodly links to time that were caused because of association with this deity.

I repent for and renounce all ungodly worship of all her manifestations including Durga, Badrakali, Bhavani, Sati, Shakti, Rudrani, Parvati, Chinnamasta, Chamunda, Kamakshi, Uma, Meenakshi, Himavati, Kumari, Devi, and Tara.

I repent for and renounce all yogic and tantric yogic practices that were associated with worship of Shiva or Kali.

I repent for and renounce all ungodly worship of the false deities Ishvara, Ganesha – son of Shiva, Hanuman, Murugan – son of Shiva, Ramachandra and Subramaniam the god of war.

I repent for and renounce all ungodly worship of the following false deities, Surya – the sun god, Varuna – representative of the air or heaven, Vedic god of the sea and the father of Vedic seers, Kubera – god of wealth, Soma – god of the north-east, Isana – god of the northeast, Nirrti – god of the southwest.

I repent for and renounce all ungodly worship of the following false deities - Mitra, Savitri, Rudra, Prajapati, Aryaman and the Ashvinis, Usa, Prithvi.

I repent for and renounce all beliefs in and worship of Kalachakra or the Wheel of time which is a Tantric deity. I repent for and renounce all beliefs in the associated philosophies including the Kingdom of Shambala (supposedly a mystical kingdom hidden beyond the snow peaks of the Himalayas).

I repent for and renounce the use of the Vedic calendar which was based upon illegal mystical knowledge of equinoxes and solstices.

I repent for and renounce the use of astrology to determine propitious times for public and personal ceremonies and events.

I repent for and renounce all misuse of and wasting of time in ungodly practices. Lord, help us to redeem time.

Father, I pray that you may deliver us from the consequences of all time curses that came upon us as a result of these ungodly beliefs and worship. We pray that you may cut all ungodly links to time and any associated ungodly deities of time.

Please restore all these connections back to You and cleanse and sanctify time for us.

I repent for and renounce the practice of vegetarianism, celibacy, monasticism or asceticism while following Hindu practices.

I repent for and renounce the use of all herbal medicines in the ayurvedic tradition that have been made by knowledge obtained illegally.

I repent for and renounce all ungodly practices of astrology, divination.

I repent for and renounce all practices of child-marriage, dowry, sati or self-immolation of a woman on her husband’s funeral pyre.

Lord, I pray that you would cleanse me from all the evil associated with these false practices. Please cleanse my body, soul and spirit.

Lord, I break all ungodly soul ties with the land of India, with time, with the ungodly deities of Hinduism and India, with the dead and with any human systems and traditions and all ungodly soul ties with people.

Cleanse all pathways of my mind, my will and my emotions. Align my body, soul and spirit to You and You alone.

Jesus, You alone are the Way, the Truth and the Life. You are the Light of this World and where You are, darkness cannot reside. Come into my life Lord. You are my Lord and Master in every area of my life. I worship You with all my heart.

Lord, please restore all parts of me that were lost to other dimensions.

Lord, please unite all parts of me in You. Lord, please join me to You and to Your Body which is the Church.

Lord I ask that you will fill me with Your Holy Spirit and guide me as I continue to walk in the healing that You have provided for me.

-Paul L. Cox, Aslan's Place