My Beauty(Ladyhawk)

I have a partner now

A very special woman

The One chosen for me

Fitted to me

Prepared for me

My Beauty

Small in the natural

But huge in the Spirit

A woman of depth

A woman of character

A woman of great inner Beauty

My Beauty

My Bride to Be

With a heart like a mountain

Just like mine

What a perfect fit

A yokefellow

A helpmeet

A comparable power

Lovely within

Lovely without

My Beautiful Cher

My Beauty

How I love her

How I need her

Having waited so long

Now God has brought her

She is worth it

Well worth the wait

Now we get to fly

Spring from the tree top

Spread our wings and soar

I saw it once years ago

In a dream from heaven

I and My Ladyhawk flying

Soaring as hawk mates

Riding the wind

Hawks mate for life

She shall not lack her mate

As the prophet wrote it

In Isaiah 34:15-17

In love God has commanded it

That we shall possess the inheritance

And from generation to generation

We shall dwell in it

We shall not fail

What a promise

What a destiny

What a Beautiful Life

For me

And for My Beauty

This Precious One

This Daughter of the King

Little Sister to Jesus

My Beauty

The Love of My Life

Stephen Pursell, 10/24/20