Pilgrim Fools For Christ

Glimpses, snatches, snapshots

Today many, other days few

God is doing it

His sons are finding one another

The beginnings of unity

From the four corners they come

All colors, all backgrounds

Different, very different, originally confused

Fighting, reaching for each other

Scrapping, seeking life

But it's happening

The bones find each other on the desert floor

They stand up and form an army

The pieces fit together

The living stones are hewn

What is it?

Zion, the New Jerusalem

The woman who reached for His garment hem

A dwelling, an abode of peace and comfort

A land, a place to call their own

Scripture says they dwelt in tents as foreigners

Why would we think it would be different now?

Pilgrims but vagrants in the world's eyes

Foolish things that will stand to confound the wise

Stephen Pursell,

original; 12/14/02, revised; 8/10/14