In The Fire

We entrust her into your awesome hands

We place her at the foot of your throne

Keep her safe, Lord, we entrust her now to you

That one day she'll return to my brother

That they might live Solomon's Song

-Stephen Pursell, 11/15/03

Here she is, Lord

She will pray with the tears of Anna

She will walk in the elegance of Esther

She'll return with the spirit of Ruth

She will dance, she will bring you glory

We call forth her dry bones from the tomb

And like Mary, may she sit at your feet

We speak life, Lord, life to her members

Set her free, this Mary Magdalene

Raise up this dear one you've chastised

We cry out for you to prove mighty

Father we present her to you

Double for her shame

You promised that you would restore

That in that day your branch would be glorious

You promised something else as well

You Abba, we remind you of your word

You are not mocked

That baldness would replace finery

You said this would happen

This fallen daughter of Zion

This doe, the bride of his youth

Father, here we stand

We, your sons, brothers

My friend, a leader in our midst

I stand with him

Amongst our brothers in blue

Your Army From Behind The Walls

We hold her before you