
Letting his dripping fingers shine

May his cup overflow with anointing divine

Fill his cup, Lord, I pray, fill it

-Stephen Pursell, 11/9/03, I wrote this for a man who was a friend for a time but in the end wound up judging me viciously and turning on me and treating me very abusively, I bless him and pray for healing of his wounds that led him to act this way, may our beautiful Lord touch him and make him whole

Like the oil running now Aaron's beard

He holds out his cup, Lord, fill it

Whisper your secrets in his sleeping ear

Bring him a bride like Esther

Honor him in the assembly

Teach him the abandoned dance of David

Teach him the Jawbone Dance of Samson

Fill his cup Lord, fill it, fill it

A brother to me

A son to the Father

Your perfect hands carve him

Manifesting on the Potter's wheel

A masterpiece is taking shape

Turning and turning

And fill him Lord, fill his cup

Grant him his heart's desires

Bless him I pray

FiIl his cup, Lord

Your hungry child, awaiting you

One of David's mighty men

He thirsts for you

He yearns for your wonders

There's a cup held up before you, Lord

Abba, I pray you fill it

A warrior true, tender and broken

A faithful friend

Fill his cup, Lord, fill it, fill it