Esther's Army

For such a time as this

Stephen Pursell, 3/8/03

An army raised

A married land

The Father's hand

Desirable now, much Sought After

A city no longer abandoned

Restoration, restoration

Nehemiahs, Ezras, Zerubabbels, Joshuas

Undaunted by the wicked political games

Laughing at Sanballat

Intent upon the task they were given

Raven saints of old

To sweat among the rubble and soot

Rejoicing the chance to be there

Undaunted by the task ahead

And returning once again to the gates of Zion

Camping out beneath the stars on the way

Singing on the road to restoration

God's men, Esther's army

Guardians, watchmen, warriors, builders

They came home to rebuild the city

Swords in their belts, trowels in their hands

Where did they go?

Those who escaped the hand of Haman?

They returned to the Holy City