Looking Forward

Friends to pray with

And break bread

From house to house

I see the Holy City

Your grace has carried me

Across the burning sand

Over the waterless desert

To the place of The River

The shallow streams left behind

Deep calls to deep now

Laying just ahead

This has been an incredible journey

You have called it so

Many times in your whispers

Your intimate dealings with me

Oh, my God how I thank you

How great is your mercy to me

That you have called me

To sojourn to the Holy City

And then carried me there

Supporting my feet on the way

I see it now just up ahead

And my pace quickens with hope

I look forward to supping with you

In this land of milk and honey

Where eagles dare

Where we wait on you

And renew our strength

In Zion, the mountain of the Lord

Surrounded by saints and angels

In the City of the Great King

Stephen Pursell, 7/11/16

Yokefellows to pull with

But now there will be family

There will be many more

There have been trying times

A city of refuge

A Goshen

A home for the spirit

A place is being prepared

I see you going before me

A way opening ahead

Abba, I thank you

I see the path before me