Mt. Zion Visitations, 1/9/18

I want to share some of what the Lord has done with me as far as interacting with the heavenly Mt. Zion. According the Mount of Transfiguration and to Hebrews 12:1, 22-24, God began sending saints from heaven to me in 1998 when the apostle Paul came and ministeerd to me and imparted to me the anointing to be a friend of the bridegroom. The next visitation was in 2003 when David came to me when I was in prison. I did not see him but I knew it was he who had come to me. It is hard to describe. You just know in your spirit who it is. David's coming was like I was swimming all in the book of Psalms with all of them being sung all around me and through me all at the same time. I just knew David had come, it was obvious. Then I began to see some of the saints come to me in 2014 after a conference with the True Prophet Of God from India, Sundar Selvaraj, here in America. I saw quite a lot that year and into 2015. I saw also living prophets whose faces appeared on my ceiling above me. I have seen Jesus that way hundreds of times. Also I have seen him on his throne in heaven several times. It was also around then that Daniel came the first time. He has come again several times. Then in recent months there for awhile Elijah was coming almost every day. I saw a fiery whirlwind and horses and chariot of fire. Even more recently (the Lord as) Melchizedek has been coming. He is so beautiful with his beard and broad smile. He is like living molten translucent gold that is almost white hot in intensity of love. Also my spiritual father Jack Schisler comes to me quite often, especially when I am in distress. Now last night some more prophets came to me from the Heavenly Mt. Zion. The presence and power and light of God came to me as I lay in my bed. Then the Lord said very loudly, "NEW PROPHET!!" Then these prophets came to me one by one. First to come was the late Indian prophet D.G.S. Dhinakaran(Paul Dhinakaran's father). Then came Moses, then Zechariah, then Haggai. Then John Paul Jackson(an American prophet) came as a great white eagle. Then came Kim Clement. Accept for John Paul, the Lord announced their names quite loudly before each one came. Accept for John Paul I did not see them but could feel them. Each had so much love. I saw the burning bush when Moses came. I spoke to them as I usually try to do when saints come. I welcomed them and said I wanted whatever they had to impart to me. I was in such dark place when they came. They may have saved me from death. So if this kind of thing is not happening for you yet then keep believing that this kind of thing is for you and keep asking for it. And take more time to be alone with the Lord and do not be so busy trying to do all the right christian things to do in your own strength. God wants to deepen our own personal relationships with him but we must take more time with him to do it. Love and blessings to you.

Steve Pursell, 1/9/18