Christian Outlaw

American christian

When are you going to 'rebel'?

When will God's laws matter more?

More than the lawless 'laws' around you?

Christian, when will you open your eyes and see?

That the same God who gave you Romans 13

Also gave you Joshua and Judges

And Isaiah 10

When will your children's souls matter more?

More than potential arrest for proper discipline?

Would you risk the jailhouse for good 'kidnapping'?

To separate your child from evil?

Would you keep your daughter from the abortion clinic?

Will you take back your teen's toy?

The one he never should have had?

Will you admit you were wrong?

Will you be vigilant, watchful?

Man's law says throw away extra food

And arrest the one who takes it

God's law said leave the corners of the field

To make provision for the poor man

Today, the once corner-reaper

Is in jail for taking edible food from dumpsters

Did you visit him?

Or were you not too busy to remember him?

Busy watching the idiot box?

Or out on the lake in your boat?

He'd only gone to the dumpster

Because there was no food for him at your door

Or at your 'church'

I pray that whoever called the cops on him

Does not claim to be a 'christian'

What is rebellion, christian?

May we be found to be sheep

Providers of sustenance:

Food, water, hospitality, clothing, care, visitation

May we be found sheep

Not goats who were too good to visit the 'outlaw'

The poor man arrested for finding a meal

Imprisoned by laws the 'christian' you voted for made

-Stephen Pursell, 3/23/03