Your Feet

I seek you, I close my eyes

I see your feet

Lovely, simple, sandaled feet

The feet that walked along the lake

I hear the gravel crunch

I hear the waves lap

Wind kisses

Voices of the fishermen

My lovely Lord speaks

"Follow me!"

And they piled out of the boat

Feet that stood in the bow of the boat

Peace, be still, you said

Feet that walked through Solomon's colonnade

Around which children thronged

At which Mary chose to sit

Your feet, my King, your feet

Feet that walked among the broken

That stopped at the leper to touch him

Your feet that bore the cross's weight

Then were nailed to it

That walked out of the tomb

Trod the road to Emmaus

That went up from the Mount of Olives

And will set down there soon

Let me worship at your feet

Let me fall at your feet

Like Mary, let me weep at your feet

Teach me to walk in their prints

Stephen Pursell, 6/04