True Lion Nature, 7/13/16

Steve Pursell, 7/13/16

We know that Jesus is both the Lion of Judah and the Lamb of God. And since we know that his spirit is in us and it is his desire to conform us into his image, both are potentially within us. So some might say, "Well, I'm more the Lion than the Lamb." But this would be self-deception. Because just as Jesus came first as the Lamb and now comes later as the Lion, so the nature of the Lion only comes when the nature of the Lamb has been adequately formed within us. If we have allowed him to shape us into the loving, gentle nature Lamb nature, then he can trust us with the power and fierceness of the Lion nature. If we do not have enough of the Lamb manifest in our life but we feel we are a lion, then it might be the wrong lion that is at work through us: the one who walks as a lion seeking to steal, kill and destroy. Let us not fall into that trap but be humble and teachable and become conformed to the image of the Lamb of God. Then, in the fullness of time, when we are found worthy and approved by the One who knows all, the Lion will manifest through us.