Like You

Father, help me

Hear my heart's cry to love

Give me patience

Help me look past the little things

Help me see what you see

The heart, the true person

I know I fail

I know I can be hard at times

Soften me, change me

I want to be like you

Full of love, full of compassion

Do whatever it takes

Hurt me if you have to

Turn me on the potter's wheel

Mold me, shape me

You in me, take over

You bought me, you have the right

I give myself to you again

More surrender, Lord

This is my cry

You know me

You know how I long to love

Make it so

Fill me up, pour me out

Use my life

To bless, to heal

To reveal you in the earth

I am yours for the taking

So do not pass me by

Have mercy on me, son of David

You are my one desire

To be like you

What else could I want so much?

You are the Most Beautiful of all

Oh, to be like you!

Live in me, shine through me

Have your way

It's all I want

To be like you

Stephen Pursell, 2/25/14