Looming Civil War, 3/20/17

God has been showing civil war images to me for months and I have been hoping and praying that the political and media civil war that we have been experiencing was what he meant. But this morning as I lay in bed the Lord took me back in time to the original Civil War of the 1860s. I was on the battlefield with other soldiers, hiding behind a fallen tree trunk and firing the old weapons of that era. Because of this fresh prophetic experience I now believe that open armed civil war is upon America very very soon if there is not a great cry of repentance and prayer against it. Please pray with all you have and spread the word. I had expected civil are in my soul since 2003 but our present circumstances are very different from what I imagined. I first was warned of civil war directly by the Lord in January of 2015 and it is record on this page: Civil War Soon.

Steve Pursell, 3/20/17