Massive Financial Shift, 6/30/14

God has been showing me "Wealth Transfer" every day for days now. He is about to put massive amounts of wealth into the hands of servants of his whom he trusts. Scripture says:

Proverbs 13:22

...But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.

At times in history God does massive shifts of wealth, taking it out off the hands of the wicked and using it to enrich his people financially for the purposes of building HIS Kingdom. The best scriptural example is when God arranged for the Egyptians to give the children of Israel ALL their portable wealth:

Exodus 12:35-36New King James Version (NKJV)

35 Now the children of Israel had done according to the word of Moses, and they had asked from the Egyptians articles of silver, articles of gold, and clothing. 36 And the Lord had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they granted them what they requested. Thus they plundered the Egyptians.

God is about to do it again. This process has been prophesied for many years but it is finally about to happen. I cannot give you an exact date on when this will begin because God did not give me one but it should happen soon. I have no frame of reference for God ever giving specific dates for prophecy fulfillment though he does sometimes give windows of time within which the fulfillment of the prophecy will fall like: "between February and November" or something like that. This shift will coincide with a crash of the worldly economy as in the dollar losing its value and the stock market crashing and bonds a T-bills and IRA 's becoming worthless, etc. The only safety from this crash is to be in God's Kingdom economy.

Those who will be in line to benefit from this shift promise are those who are obedient to God in their finances. This consists of tithing to Holy Spirit anointed spiritual leadership(not just any old church that you like), giving generously to the orphans, widows, the poor and ministries that have approval from God. It includes staying away from banks for the most part and from stocks and bonds and IRA's but rather owning precious metals, land, livestock, jewelry, etc. It means not wasting money on idols like INORDINATE LOVE(the definition of an idol) and expense on even things like TV, all entertainment, sports, clothes, food(my struggle), wine, cars, boats, parties, RV's vacations, etc. or anything else that you love too much, not to mention vices that are obviously wicked like too much alcohol, drugs, pornography, unholy sex, masturbation, etc. Don't misunderstand me, I am not implying God does not want us to have any pleasure in life but an idol is an inordinate love of something such that one's life emphasis becomes imbalanced in favor of the thing the cost of the worship of God and true spiritual balance in life.

To move towards putting yourself in a position to receive from God in this shift if you have not been in line you need to ask God for forgiveness for failures to use your finances in the godly ways and for any sin with using it in the wrong ways. Begin to give GENEROUSLY to the work of God:

James 1:27

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

Giving to orphans, widows, and to the poor and thereby beginning to participate in the ECONOMY OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD which is a totally different economy for the regular worldly economy that most people participate in. The Kingdom economy works on a totally different set of principles and its function is antithetical and counter-intuitive to the worldly economy. God loves you and wants to bless you but you have to do things his way to receive the blessings that flow from the Kingdom economy. The basis of the Kingdom economy is that GIVING is the way you guarantee that you will have enough for yourself. We are not to give just so we can get only for ourselves but to give freely out to the love of God in our heart and trust God to take care of us even if we can't see where his provision for us is going to come from. We can trust him because he is the one who owns everything anyway and he will give to those who use wealth his way. We can trust him to provide for us:

Philippians 4:19

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

A secondary concern to making sure you are giving enough is to purchase precious metals to protect your wealth but know this, if all you do is try to protect yourself and you do no learn to be generous to God's work you will become impoverished in the times ahead as the economy crashes. Also, you need to get out of the banks entirely except for just a little bit in checking for paying bills until the worldly economy crashes.

True wealth is found in things that are tangible and have inherent value: things like rural land: especially crop bearing/stock supporting land, land with water, land with resources like metals for mining or timber, livestock, businesses, precious metals and gems, jewelry. Paper money has no inherent value and is the property of the printer of it and technically the Federal Reserve, which owns the paper money in America, has a right to anything bought with its paper money and they have a plan to try to lay claim to all those things all over the nation, YOUR THINGS! Credit and electronic money have no value at all and if you are dabbling in those things you are in real economic danger. In the times ahead, fancy houses in big cities that have become problem areas, houses that used to have great value, won't be worth much. Land and livestock are great sources of true wealth because they generate wealth through the natural ways of reproduction. Rural land will increase in value because many will seek to flee the cities that are becoming so dangerous and because smaller rural communities will because more self-sufficient and economically healthy.

God bless you and may we all be found in line for God's generous blessings as he brings this massive financial shift that will bless the OBEDIENT within the family of God with wealth with which we can build the Kingdom of God all over the earth as has always been God's plan for it.

-Steve Pursell, 6/30/14