Torn Father

Why, oh why, land of promise?

Why have you chosen whoredoms?

Why, when I blessed you so?

When I have showered you with love

Covered you from conception

How I bore your fathers over the sea

How I gathered them to me

How I gave them brothers here

They broke bread in thanks

They communed in my spirit together

But you have chosen lusts

Oppressing your brothers

Murdering the guardians of the land

Raping an pillaging

How foolish you are

You are ruining your inheritance

You have pissed on your food

Come back to Me

Turn and know the bounty you were born for

It's not too late

My hand is upraised

Still you cling to you wretchedness

In love with destruction

Drinking death and praising it

Murdering your babies

Respond and be restored

Turn or I will be forced to crush you

I cannot allow your infection of my earth

I will have no choice but to act

To strike powerfully

I have spoken warning

I have struck you lightly

Your towers crumbling

To wake you up

Still you stiffen your neck

Beating your chest

Worshiping yourselves

Still I plead with you

Come home to me

Renew your vows to me

I will bless you again

Beyond your wildest imagination

But until you do

It will not go well for you

Stephen Pursell, 6/24/02,

for America