Bad Choosing

Inviting me where I ought not to go

I was the one acquiescing

The problem was mine alone

Stephen Pursell, 11/20/01

The devil was only my helper

But I was the jailer of my own soul

He would have given me diamonds in trade

When the Master required them from me

I had chosen to hold onto my idols

To remember when death seemed inviting somehow

Yet now he has brought me full circle

The Light was within me

But I had abandoned his voice

But I had lost hold of reality

I struck out in a self-perceived, 'assured' center

I embraced a new direction

And as I awoke from those days of wilderness

The Way was branded on my heart

But the Truth had never left me

My experience was a dark field of lies

I had been removed from hope

I was lost

And loneliness, loneliness, loneliness

I recall tear swept days

A desert of hopelessness and direction lost

All of life's purpose awash in confusion